Gertduino board connects Raspberry Pi to any Arduino Shield
1 min read
The Gertduino expansion board, announced today by element14, is a Raspberry Pi add on which connects the Raspberry Pi to almost any Arduino Shield.

The device offers the same functionality as the Arduino-Uno but with some extra features thrown in.
As well as dual Atmel Atmega mcus (both of which can be programmed from the Raspberry Pi using the Arduino GUI or the GCC Atmel compiler), the Gertduino packs a real time clock, 16MHz oscillator, IRDA interface, RS232 level converter and a battery back-up power supply for the Atmega-48.
Gert van Loo, who designed the board, said: "Gertduino is focused on education and development use, and I created the board to help leverage the combined power of the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino developer communities.
"You can now connect the Gertduino and therefore the Raspberry Pi to almost every Arduino Shield that's available, so the development potential is simply enormous."
The Raspberry Pi Foundation announced yesterday that 2million of its low cost, credit card sized computers have now been shipped worldwide.
A blog post on the Foundation's website read "We never thought we'd be where we are today when we started this journey: it's down to you, our amazing community, and we're very, very lucky to have you. Thanks!"