EDA industry revenue down

The EDA Consortium (EDAC) Market Statistics Service has announced EDA industry revenue for Q2 2009 is down 5.6% from Q1, while year on year, revenue has declined 15.8%.

EDAC chair (and chairman and ceo of Mentor Graphics), Walden Rhines, pictured, remained optimistic, saying: "This recession started with the most precipitous drop in electronics industry history. Nevertheless, the normal pattern of preserving most R&D spending has been maintained by most electronics companies. As the electronics industry recovers and its R&D spending increases to come in line with its growing revenue, the EDA industry would be expected to recover as well." According to EDAC, the six successive quarters of year on year decline, stretch back to the first quarter of 2008 and are the longest consecutive string since EDAC began keeping data in 1997.