Distributors expect ‘modest growth’

1 min read

While UK distributors expect a modest increase in business later in 2014, the UK and Ireland electronic components markets remain lacklustre.

Commenting on the latest statistics released by the Electronic Components Supply Network (ecsn), chairman Adam Fletcher, pictured, said: "Anticipated growth in the second quarter does not appear to have materialised, which has led to a slight increase in inventory. Our distributor members are expecting a modest increase in growth in the second half of the year, which appears to be realistic since no significant events or increased demand drivers are currently visible." The statistics show a slight decline in the Book-to-Bill ratio and in overall bookings compared to April 2014 and to May 2013. However, Fletcher doesn't think the UK market is behaving differently to other markets. "a very similar pattern is being played out in electronic components markets worldwide," he noted. When he reviewed prospects for the UK electronic components distribution sector's last December, Fletcher said demand was likely to increase by 5.2% compared to 2013. However, he did warn that the recovery was likely to be gradual and this appears to be the case.