Chip giants join forces to develop 10nm chip circuitry

Intel, Samsung and Toshiba are reportedly forming a consortium aimed at manufacturing 10nm chip circuitry by 2016.

Japanese newspaper, Nikkei has cited an anonymous source confirming that the companies will form an alliance to create 10nm chip circuitry to be used in chipsets for semiconductors. Samsung and Toshiba are the world's top two manufacturers of NAND flash memory, while Intel is the world's largest chip maker. Reuters reported that Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry will be providing around 5billion yen ($61.21 million) of the 10bn yen initial investment. The rest of the investments will be granted by the partner firms. Samsung and Toshiba will be using the technology developed by the consortium to make 10nm NAND flash chips while Intel will use it to make faster microprocessors.