Blue oled has record efficiency

1 min read

An international consortium of researchers has developed a blue organic light emitting diode (oled) with an efficiency that is almost double that of the maximum theoretical limit.

In collaboration with the University of Michigan, researchers from Singapore's Institute of Materials Research and Engineering discovered that by changing the thickness of the light emitting layer and optimising the concentration of the light emitting material, they could double the oled efficiency from 5 to 9.4%. They estimate the research could pave the way for longer lasting, more efficient and vivid oled displays for the consumer market. Principal researcher Dr Chen Zhikuan believes manufacturers could also use the fluorescent materials to make devices that emit pure and brighter blue light than lcds and leds. "One of the reasons why current oled displays are not as popular as lcd and led displays is that the blue emitters have short lifetime and poor colour quality," said Dr Zhikuan. "With our breakthrough, oled tvs could well be the next wave in consumer displays and may soon appear in your homes." As the emitters developed by Zhikuan and his team were solution processed, he says they can be easily manufactured and scaled up using low cost printing methods. The results of the research have been published in the journal Advanced Functional Materials.