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1 min read

National Instruments launched its 13th annual NIWeek by introducing LabVIEW 8.5.

This latest version of the company’s graphical programming environment includes advances in multicore and real-time programming. With multicore processors increasingly becoming the standard, there is a growing need for parallel programming languages that can take advantage of faster multiprocessor speeds. With its inherent multithreaded architecture, LabVIEW is claimed to fit the bill. NIWeek offers visitors the opportunity to network with over 3,000 engineers, scientists, educators, and NI developers, as well as attending advanced technical presentations, hands-on workshops, case studies, and panel discussions. “The original purpose of NIWeek was to enable direct dialogue between our customers and NI’s scientists and engineers,” said NI’s senior vp, r&d, Tim Dehne. “However, few companies enjoy the good fortune of having customers who are also passionate scientists and engineers. This embodies the spirit of what NIWeek is all about and there certainly seems to be an appetite for NIWeek’s close contact and feedback.”