Windows Embedded Standard 7 technical seminars

1 min read

The Power of Windows 7 in an Embedded Device – Edinburgh and Birmingham, 8-9th December, 2010

Microsoft, Intel and Avnet Embedded have announced two free, hands on technical seminars in Edinburgh and Birmingham. The seminars aim to inform engineers and managers on the creation of smart, connected embedded devices based on Windows Embedded Standard 7 and the latest Intel devices, including the use of multicore, SMP (Symmetric MultiProcessing) and Soft-Control Architectures for high performance. These technical seminars, featuring hands on labs, are based on a complete illustration of all the steps involved in creating and deploying a custom device based on Windows Embedded Standard 7. Based on the device development flow, the agenda breaks out to hear from Intel about tools technologies which ensure optimal use of device resources, including SMP, and to discuss and demonstrate the latest Soft Control Architectures which can harness the processing power of a multicore device, allowing real-time and signal processing tasks to be isolated from the Windows scheduler. The roadshow is being held on Wednesday December 8th, at Microsoft's Waverley Gate Edinburgh offices, and on Thursday December 9th at the IET's Austin Court in Birmingham's waterside quarter. Registration is free of charge, limited to 2 delegates per project group, and available on a first come first served basis.