Seminar/Workshop: Upping your Game – new risks and new ISA challenges

1 min read

29th November 2011, Ambassadors Bloomsbury, London

This seminar/workshop will discuss how Independent Safety Assurance (ISA) can adapt to future challenges. Some of these arise from the rapid development of both technology and applications, which often goes beyond the guidance available from standards or current practice. Others come from new regulatory frameworks and changes, such as those being adopted in the wake of the Nimrod Review by Charles Haddon-Cave QC. Competence of ISAs and their users is an area which may come under closer scrutiny. The morning seminar will include presentations on Fukushima and its consequences, on reliability for high availability systems, and on the challenges faced by ISAs. After lunch, workshop sessions will consider the future of competence, the syllabus for ISA training courses, and emerging hard problems for ISAs. This meeting is a timely opportunity to influence the direction of ISA community guidance, currently under review and update by the ISA Working Group.