SCSC DO178C training event

1 min read

20th June 2013, London Marriott Hotel, Kensington, UK

After a major review, the DO-178B/ED-12B safety standard – originating in aerospace but used more widely for guidance – is being replaced by a new version (DO-178C/ED-12C). At this training day, delegates will learn how this change, and the updates in DO-278A/ED-109A, will impact their organisations. Tool vendors, developers and users will find out how the new DO-330/ED-215 will affect them. New supplements that provide additional guidance for using model based design, object oriented programming and formal methods will also be covered. This course will help delegates understand the changes and move from applying safety standard DO-178B/ED-12B to the new version: DO-178C/ED-12C. It will also cover the companion documents that deal with ground systems, software tool qualification, model-based development and verification, object-oriented technology, and formal methods. Active members of the committee that prepared the new standard and associated documents will present the course. For more information, or to register, visit