Remote Sensing Workshop - Meeting Industry Needs with NERC Expertise

1 min read

6th April 2011, Grand Connaught Rooms, London WC2

The ESP KTN is hosting this FREE one day event on behalf of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to look at the challenges to remote sensing, and what opportunities and potential solutions that NERC technologies and expertise could provide industry. This event aims to do two key things – highlight the needs of industry in the remote sensing area and showcase NERC capabilities in potentially addressing these. Companies will also be informed on how they can access NERC science through funding, grants and contacts in the specific NERC Research Centres. There will also be an exhibition element with a number of NERC scientists displaying posters and plenty of time for networking has been scheduled into the programme. Within the wider networking session, there will be opportunities for those wishing to have specific one-to-one sessions with other delegates. These can be arranged once people have registered.