Will Apple’s ‘iCar’ break the mould?

Rumours suggesting that Apple was working on some kind of autonomous vehicle have been circulating for some time. According to some stories, more than 1000 engineers have been working on the project for a couple of years in a 'secret location'. But Apple is a tough place to get information from and so the rumours remain just that.

Now the company has written a five page letter to the US authorities which essentially says it is pursuing the technology.

Another hint towards Apple's autonomous car ambitions is the apparent hiring of a number of engineers from Canadian automotive software specialist QNX. Amongst them is ex CEO Dan Dodge. And recent rumours have named Apple as a potential purchaser of the McLaren group, itself rumoured to be developing an electric car.

Apple's customers expect breakthrough technology. Over the years, that's what they have seen – a process dating back to the legendary 'sledgehammer' ad campaign that launched the Mac. More recently, breakthroughs have been replaced by incremental development.

So, will the iCar - assuming that's what it will be called - break the mould and, if so, what might that entail?