Apple gets tart comments

1 min read

Over the years, Apple’s product launches have been disruptive; many of the devices unveiled have changed the world. The effect has been to create a swathe of people who have no room in their lives for any device which doesn’t carry the famous logo.

Each product launch seems to attract as much attention as the election of a new Pope – maybe more; media speculation builds over the days leading up to the launch, news crews cram into the venue, video is streamed live from the event and fans plan their lives around buying whatever is unveiled at the earliest opportunity.

However, looking at reviews of yesterday’s event, it seems even the faithful have concluded that – at least for the moment – Apple has run out of steam. It launched a 4in iPhone four years after the launch of the first 4in iPhone, as well as a 9.7in iPad six years after the launch of the first 9.7in iPad. Of course, what’s inside has been updated, but the fact remains that Apple is only blowing over what it has already launched. Oh, and it dropped the price of the iWatch.

A company with such a track record has a reputation to live up to. When you see comments from the fan base such as ‘Apple has run out of ways to resell us the same product’ and ‘remember when Apple had exciting launches?’, you wonder whether the company will recapture its ‘glory days’.

If it was any other company, you might not think so. But you have to wonder what surprises Apple is planning to spring on us in the near future.