Analysers use DPX to track elusive signals in the field
Tektronix has launched two new handheld spectrum analysers - the H500 and SA2500 - designed to scan, classify and locate signals missed by conventional swept analysis.

The devices, which feature DPX waveform image processor technology and built in mapping and signal classification features, allow spectrum regulators to manage and monitor spectrum in the field and hunt down elusive signals and interferers.
"What makes these instruments truly revolutionary is our real time DPX live rf spectrum display technology," said the company's Jim McGillivary. "No other instrument or technology offers such a practical, fast and easy way to discover unknown, randomly occurring digital rf events."
The analysers cover a frequency range between 10kHz and 6.2GHz, have a real time bandwidth of 20MHz and -163dBm displayed average noise. Tektronix claims they have a spectrum processing rate more than 100x faster than competing devices.