Engineering shortfall could cost the UK’s economy £27bn a year
1 min read
Research published in Engineering UK 2015; The State of Engineering claims the UK economy could benefit to the tune of £27billion a year if demand for new engineering jobs is filled. To do this, the organisation continues, the number of engineering apprentices and graduates entering the industry will need to double.

Paul Jackson, EngineeringUK's chief executive, said: "Engineering is a vital part of the UK economy, not just in terms of significant turnover but also with regards employment. For every new engineering role, an additional two jobs are created in the economy."
The report, produced by EngineeringUK, claims engineering companies will need 182,000 people per year with engineering skills in the decade to 2022, but points to a current annual shortfall of 55,000 skilled workers.
EngineeringUK is calling for collaborative action across government, engineering businesses, the education sector and the wider engineering community to realise a range of recommendations, including: a doubling of the number of engineering graduates or a 50% increase in the number of STEM and non STEM graduates entering engineering companies; a doubling of the number of young people studying GCSE physics as part of triple sciences; twice as many Advanced Apprenticeships; careers inspiration for all 11 to 14 year olds; and support for teachers and careers advisors delivering careers information.